Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Now i want to give you give you my top tips for keeping fit:

1.     Get out

2.     Exercise you enjoy

3.     Be consistent

4.     Set realistic goal

5.     Do it with a friend

6.     Don’t skip meals

7.     Reward yourself

8.     Have FUN

Monday, 2 May 2011


Ok, seeing the title your probably thinking here we go again another talk about drungs and alcohol. But i’m the same age as you so how can I give you a lecture on drungs and alcohol. What i’m going to do instead is tell you the what the outside and inside of your body will look like.

This is the age where some of my friends and lots of other people around the world decided to try smoking, drinking and other drugs. As i’m sure you’ve all been told many times before when people smoke it causes lung cancer and alcohol just beats up your kidneys. What they dont know is what it can do to your apperence. Both smoking and alcohol do the same thing to you appearence.

Here is someone before the started smoking and drinking, and after:


 BEFORE                                                                AFTER

This image my freak you out a bit but you may not be as worried or concerned because it is on the inside of you body and no-one can see it. Well the next two picture you probably will be more worried about

Take this the image for example look at his teeth before he started smoking and look at it after. I'll let you judge for yourself 
     BEFORE                                                         AFTER

Now look at these twins. have a guess which one smokes and drinks a lot of alcohol then think which one you'll rather be.

Sunday, 1 May 2011


What up guys, it me again. i hope you've taken my advice on healthy eating and it stored in your mind because here is another bucket load of information on exercise. 
Exercise, something I do everyday, is the most important thing you need to thing about when you think about keeping FIT! 

When people try a get fit always say " ohhh... I need to get fit let me go to the gym". OK there is nothing wrong with going to the gym but when people go to the gym they may spend 5 minutes there before they start to get mad bored then they will leave without accomplishing any thing. 

So the best thing to do is go do sport. Football & basketball are the two that i do simply because they are the simplest ones to do and because it is very hard to be bored when doing it.

But is you are really ODT on getting fit the best thing to do is swimming, doing a marathon or dancing.

Swimming is a sport that need a nuts amount of stamina. If you are thinking about becoming serious about the sport then you will need all of that stamina if you are entering any competitions. But if you are doing it for fun then you will still need stamina. let me tell you swimming is the funnest sport that you can ever do when you're not doing it alone. Having pool fights, laughing at all the people who can't swim or swim funny whilst getting fit at the same time. so get your trunks out and start swimming

Marathon’s is the thing that is hated and loved by millions of people. people love it because it is a time where you can get your friends together and have a lot of fun people hate is because it causes a insane amount of traffic. but that is not the concern the concern is your fitness and I guarantee that when you finish you will never ever feel the same again.  When i say that you would be dying half way through I may have be over exaggerating but i can ensure you that you will be at the end.

Just like in this video.




Dancing, this is something that will keep you as fit as a chimp. Not only will it keep you fit but it is a good way to have fun and meet new people. One thing i notice about dancers they all seem to be hot. i dont know why but they just are. So you know if you if you want to go meet a few hot chicks and get fit dance is for you.

These are the types of i would reccomend: